Develop your Therapeutic Potential Furher than You Had Ever Imagined


Thank you for registering for the Training on CranioSacral, Somato-Emotional and Interrelational Somatic Therapy.

You can register right now by following these two simple steps:

1.- Pay the registration fee by clicking on the Donar button below. If you do it now you are in time to enjoy the offer of 995 pesos (Regular cost: 1,995 pesos) 



The first monthly payment of 1,995 pesos can be paid at any time from here to November 18th (when entering the course), but there is an

Early Bird Discount if it is paid 

Before October 29th (and every month 20


days before the Workshop date): 1.750 pesos


2. Fill in this simple form:

Atención: Los campos marcados con * son obligatorios.